Okay, my usual blog haunt at the Long Hair Community is down, so I thought I'd talk about my new haircut here!
I went to my stylist, thanks to Piperdiva, and got 1.5 inches off. It may actually be a bit closer to 2 inches. I'm not thrilled with how much he needed to take off, but I had already reconciled myself to the loss after assessing my tattered ends. He also blew it out and flat ironed to make sure it was perfectly even. This won't matter after today, as I don't blow dry or flat iron, and I tend to wear it curly/wavy, so precision doesn't really matter. I do appreciate his conscientiousness though.
We chatted a bit about the state of my hair. He laughed at my new growth (it makes "natural bangs"), but we're glad I get it. He decided that layers wouldn't be good at this length, so we went blunt--George Michael would be proud. He also said that my ends would be completely ragged if I ever grew beyond classic again. I fear that he is right about that. I still want at least four or five more inches, someplace between hip and tailbone, and he thought that I could make that, even with my newly fine hair. Once I get there, we'll see what I decide. I do like quality hair, I just want length too--I'm not asking much am I?
I'm thinking of going full boar GM to try to protect my ends so I can get more length. I know the blunt cut will help, but I think that wearing it curly might be making it drier. I had no splits until about a week ago, and I started using my curly products about a month ago. Coincidence? I don't know, but I'm suspicious. I still have GM shampoo and conditioner and creme rinse, so maybe I'll try that on Friday when I wash again. My stylist was happy that I only wash every other day, or every third day. He also likes the color of my hair, and that it's natural. I told him that it is getting redder all the time, and he asked if I liked that. I said yes, and he said he liked it too--"it glows" he said.
My new Madora comb positively glides through my hair--what luxury!
Today is Del's birthday, but Jacob is sick and Del is tired from working all day, so we're going to order Thai food in and then go out to dinner maybe this weekend. Del also wants to make persimmon cookies tonight, and I'll probably knit and maybe grade a bit. I did a bunch of grading this morning, and am really mostly done until the finals start rolling in. Only one paper to get graded this weekend. Sigh. Too busy.
Okay, you've waited this long--pics:
Before the cut at just below waist and second day combed out waves:

Now the cut with hair straightened just at waist:

From the front:

And as a bonus, two hat pictures of a hat I just finished. It's the Garden Grove Slouch and I'm "gossamer" on Ravelry if you want to see the details.
