Sunday, February 11, 2007

Well, we had a small spritz of rain last night (which I slept through), and it looks like the rest may miss us. I think that the rain goes to places it is appreciated like the Central Coast, the Pacific Northwest, and Hawaii. San Diegans in general hate the rain, and complain bitterly when it's even forecast.

So, I think, like anyone, the rain only goes where it's welcome.


Darth Fuji said...

Well, more likely, people who don't appreciate the rain go to places where it doesn't rain. And those of us who do appreciate the rain, but are stuck where it doesn't rain, can only sit around and hope for those rare "torrential downpours" of a whole INCH of rain. =)


gossamer said...

Daniel, undoubtedly, but I like my explanation better. So did you get the rain in Irvine? And hey, Wes ratted you out--math major huh?

Darth Fuji said...

Yes, it did, but I don't think I actually saw any of it.

Well, I've been contemplating switching to math for a bit now. It's basically what I've wanted to do since I was a kid (that or physics). I was actually just thinking about it tonight, oddly enough. What a coincindence...

gossamer said...

Well Daniel, you are one of the few people I know who will succeed in any major you attempt--so good luck, but history will miss you. Are you still minoring in Latin?