Monday, January 07, 2008

Today the news reported that a man in Texas killed his girlfriend, and was apparently planning on featuring her on tonight's menu.

Do they have a cookbook for that, or do you have to make up your own recipes?

What is wrong with people?


Kazuki said...

Unless there's one based off the movie "Hannibal," I don't know.
The world is going to hell in a handbasket so to speak.

andi said...

I think the recipe issue is the least of it - what the hell do you use for cookware? I know that I for one lack the facilities for dealing with parts of human bodies in my kitchen, none of my pots or pans is anywhere large enough.

One would need at the very least, a fish kettle...

gossamer said...

Andi--ew. He had one ear simmering in a pot on the stove. So, yeah, he had a plan.

kazuki, sometimes it seems like it to me too.

Anonymous said...

One thing is certain - there'll be a recipe somewhere on the Internet.

gossamer said...

It's true--you can find anything on the internet!

Kazuki said...

That could be a good or scary notion.

gossamer said...
