Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Yes, this is just the place I would have chosen for Bruno to sleep.


andi said...

My mother-in-law's cat sleeps on top of their monitor: those old CRT screens generate a lot of warmth...

gossamer said...

Yes, and it's near the window, so he can keep track of the birdies outside. He also likes to sleep behind the LCD television, which is even more nerve-wracking!

Kazuki said...

Oh us humans and our animals. What are we ever going to do with them. My birds decide when we can and can not take naps in the living rooms. If they don't want us to they start dive bombing us and talking to us. "If you're just going to sit and sleep why not do something productive and pay attention to us?!" Isn't that just lovely? (don't slip on the dripping sarcasm)
Oh and I have a new entry or two Michelle. Check 'em out. Both are rather interesting.