Sunday, August 26, 2007


We went out to breakfast yesterday to our favorite French bakery. They only gave me one pat of butter for my croissant—can you believe it? And no, it wasn’t enough. You'd think the French would know better.

We parked behind an SUV with a license plate holder that said “My other car is a hybrid.”

So, does the hybrid have a license plate holder that says “My other car is a gas guzzler?”

Well, does it?


Darth Fuji said...

I'm just putting this comment here for lack of anywhere else to put it. I like your twitter thing =P It's quite entertaining ^_^ IMing into space, indeed! hehehe

andi said...

In the UK the expression for what I think you call an SUV is 'Chelsea Tractor' as they tend to be huge 4 wheel drive vehicles owned by people who live in the London suburbs and only use them for the school run and going to the supermarket

gossamer said...


People here use them for everything but off-road, which is why they are supposedly made. They are a status symbol, but are going out of style because they are obscenely wasteful and elitist. Chelsea Tractor is a more poetic name, and I'm using it exclusively from now on! It'll also be a good way to bemuse my friends, as they will have no idea what I'm talking about (so what's new?).

It's good to hear from you.

gossamer said...

darth fuji, I'm glad you like the twitter--hey it keeps me off the streets! The meditation workshop is this Saturday, 12-2 ish (probably it won't go that long) in my classroom. I hope you can make it.

gossamer said...

andi, my husband says that it is impolite of me not to invite you to the meditation group also. So would you like to come? We'd love to have you.

andi said...

Thanks for inviting me, I'd love to come. However we have a reduced bus service to the US on a saturday so I won't be able to make it :-(

gossamer said...

Aw, darn!