Thursday, December 09, 2010

Finally a wrong has been righted. Jim Morrison was pardoned on forty year old charges of indecent exposure in a Florida court today. He apparently used profanity at a concert and attempted to show the audience his private parts. While I agree that's obscene, it was forty years ago; is this incident still bothering anyone?

He never served his six month sentence, but I'm sure that he's relieved to finally have this off of his record. Jim Morrison really strikes me as the type to be tortured over issues of image and morality.

My husband, upon hearing the news said, "He's way dead isn't he?"

Well, yes, but maybe it's an important gesture like Galileo getting un-excommunicated by the Roman Catholic Church. Okay, maybe not comparable.

My husband thinks that in thanks, Morrison should give a concert.

Doesn't the governor of Florida have ANYTHING better to do?

Apparently not.

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